Telling, doing, showing

Skills and know-how in a series of videos from our Youtube channel. Starring, Uva Sapiens Team.

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Parcelling vineyards

In this video we illustrate our ‘Value to Identity’ project. This is a method we have devised with the aim of producing wines with a strong identity: it starts with the parcelling out of the company’s “cru” vineyards and continues with a separate transformation of the best grapes.

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Curetage for managing Esca Disease

One of the most fearsome trunk diseases in the vineyard and now widespread in most European wine-growing areas, esca disease manifests itself with variable and sometimes insidious symptoms, leading the vine to death, in the absence of treatment, more or less rapidly. Roberto Merlo explains how the curetage technique, with the removal from the stem of the necrotic wood present in vines affected by esca disease, allows the vines to vegetate again and give bunches, prolonging their life and productivity.

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Re-grafting as a technique for the recovery of vines affected by esca disease

If the vine affected by esca disease cannot be recovered by curetage, the technique of re-grafting on wild rootstock is used. In this way, the root system of the vine can be preserved, which saves time in the resumption of production. Even in this case, the success rate is always high, above 85%. How to carry out re-grafting correctly.