Grapes are the main ingredient in the recipe for a successful wine project. Expertise and passion are the tools that make it unique.

Today, it is essential to stand out in a market where the minimum standard of quality is now a given. As in haute cuisine, it is necessary to find that ingredient that makes the recipe something inimitable. Innovation and reinterpretation of the past in a modern key are our drivers.

The perfect grapes for each oenological project

The sensory analysis of ripening grapes, on which the grape-growing and oenological teams of Uva Sapiens work together, is a structured and robust method to determine the best harvest date for grapes destined for a specific oenological project.

From parcelling out to the uniqueness of a wine

From quality ingredients, creative approaches for innovative wines. The parcelling out of the vineyards, which the viticultural and oenological souls of Uva Sapiens manage in close collaboration, is the starting point for the identification of the uniqueness they can offer. These uniquenesses are transformed into value during winemaking, aiming at inimitable results.

Oenological process innovation

A valuable oenological project begins in the vineyard, where work is done to obtain grapes with a composition suited to the objective. It then continues in the cellar, where the quality potential of grapes is brought to its maximum expression. The ways to achieve the desired result are not always already mapped out: knowledge, experience and creativity make innovative approaches to winemaking processes possible.

Stylistic interpretation

Different wines can be obtained from the same grapes. From the same variety grown on different plots, or from different grape varieties, or from different winemaking methods, countless nuances in the expression of quality are obtained. Not one of these nuances must be lost. The art, supported by expertise, lies in bringing them all together in the wine that is first imagined, then designed and finally made.

Technical support to cellar design

A rationally designed wine cellar makes production activities more efficient. Processing flows, which in turn are a function of the specific products to be obtained, must be taken into account when planning. We advise those who have to start a new wine cellar or renovate an existing one, in order to combine process efficiency with product quality.

Process optimization

In the production process of every wine, costs must be carefully monitored to maintain high efficiency, avoid waste and maximize economic return. We put our experience and expertise at the service of those who need to set up or rationalize their workflows in the winery.

Product Marketing&Communication

Effective BtoB and BtoC communication of a wine favours its best market positioning according to the identity and value of the product. The farming system of the winery can also be effectively translated into marketing actions. This is why we support client companies in presenting their products to journalists, importers and critics in national and international contexts and scenarios.